The next day dawned feeling very different to the previous day when the extraordinary power of synchronicity, revelation and secrets were high on the agenda, both in the Reality Show and in Cern. 

Although neither the housemates nor the scientific Community had any knowledge of each other on the Physical Plane, they were, however, intrinsically bound in their joint mission to enlighten the world in the coming weeks.

At 7 am the housemates happily entered the quiet room for the morning meditation. During the night they had received healing from the Higher Realms and arose feeling peaceful and refreshed, including Jock who had slept for 16 hours, his migraine now gone.

In Government establishments all around the world, Scientists were working in secret, attempting to establish the nature of the celestial body on its way to earth. Following a short sleep in which they too received compassionate healing and guidance from the higher realms, they set about their task at hand totally focused in an altered awareness, a meditative state, due not only to the love enveloping them from the Higher Beings of which they were presently unaware, but also because of the shock and trauma they had received the day before. There is nothing like the threat of Death to awaken the Living.

During the coming weeks, the housemates, the scientists and humanity at large, would awaken fully to truly living, surrendering to a higher realm of love, beyond their fears, anxieties and wounds. Seemingly impossible to imagine by most humans right now, things were moving at the speed of Light on earth.

The morning meditations were growing in light, love and power as the numbers of viewers joining the meditation grew day by the day, affecting themselves, the world, and its people beyond anything they could imagine.

After meditation and breakfast the housemates took an hour’s quiet time to reflect for the continuation of the Healing Workshop today.

Paige loved these times to look at the Blue Book. She made her usual affirmation to ‘Let Light, Love and Power’ as she opened the book, revealing a message Serena had recorded two years previously.

26 – 02 – 2020. ASH  WEDNESDAY. 

For the next 40 days and Nights I am joining my Kindred Spirit on both sides of the Veil in Honouring the Divine Christ Consciousness, found in every religion and Pagan belief since time began.

More and more people in the world, religious or of no religion, are gathering together in greater numbers to send Love & Peace to the World.

When Religious Ceremonies of any kind take place, Honouring the Light, receptivity in the world becomes greater and we can all make a difference with our thoughts and Intentions at these times, whatever our beliefs. 

I received this wonderful message from the Higher Realms today.

During this Lent of 2020, all Humanity, those awakened, awakening or asleep, shall start to realise the immense Power of their collective energy. They shall start to gather, coming together to change the World. Peace on Earth and care of the Planet shall become a priority in this leap year.

In two years time in 2022, Humanity shall rise upon the Continuum of Light to inhabit a Higher Dimension of love. It will be the same world but you shall have a different perception, a higher frequency world being made visible because your eyes and hearts shall be open to the beauty of all Life.

These forty Days and Nights, Honouring the Christ Consciousness coming into being, shall witness a sea change on earth, heralding the New World. This period of Lent shall see miracles and cleansings, creating a Springboard for THE WORK of LIGHT.

As humanity 'Comes into its Own’ Honouring the Journey they have travelled through Consciousness, you shall start living fully from the Golden DNA, as the First Nation of Light.

Please write a Miracle diary daily starting Ash Wednesday for 40 days. Just write something, small or large, personal or Global, that has touched your Soul every day. At the end you shall see a pattern emerging, a Sacred Map for the next two years.

These are Special Times after many Incarnations.

You are awakening as the 'I MAGI NATION' – The IMAGINATION that has led us to enlighten ourselves through our Creativity in unison with the Universal Mind since time began.



What a wonderful message, but right now in this Lent there is so much fear and anxiety being generated with the constant news and locations of the Corona Virus. People are being feared and demonised if they have the virus!

We ask you to surrender to love. We ask you to surrender your fear to Love. This virus from the great Sun is here to bring great change. Instead of seeing it as your enemy see it as a Globe of Light, enriched with Love & Power to bring about great change to the evolution of the Planet and its people. 

The Virus is contagious, as is Love. The Virus knows no boundaries, as does love.  The virus does not discriminate, knows no anxiety, beliefs, judgements or fears. It just IS. The Virus is Contagious, as Is Love. The Virus shall spread exponentially, as does Love and Light.

It shall give people respite from the frantic, chaos and Stress that dictates so many lives now. It shall bring Peace and Quiet to the world. It shall help people to see the tread mill they are on, always chasing the dream when they had it all the time within themselves. The virus shall give the opportunity to feel silence and love within, which exists, beyond the stress.

It shall take many people who have chosen to leave this life so that they can work in Sprit from the Higher Realm, now restored to their Well being and Radiance, full of Vitality, their Light work Vital for the Transformation on Earth.

Use your collective power to Surrender to Love and in so doing you shall delete your fear and add only Love & Light to the Power of the Virus and to your future selves.  Your collective Power is beyond anything you have ever dreamed of.


Paige closed the book and thought back to 2020, unaware of what Lent was, let alone what it meant, and certainly never dreaming she would be back in the house two years later experiencing miraculous events. She remembered the Corona Virus well. She had a mild dose and self isolated, finding being grounded quite pleasant, although she had felt sorry for people who were really poorly and many did die. But one thing she was amazed about was the way people, especially health professionals, families and neighbours, worked so hard for others and how all Nations worked together. So many places on earth were silent and free from the mania of modern living for the first time in centuries. Although the virus seemed a bad thing at the time it did bring about a lot of miracles in the way people came together in their communities. 

Sitting in the garden just outside the Sun room was Serena, gazing at the beautiful yellow roses. Although Paige didn’t want to spoil Serena’s reverie, she couldn’t wait to ask her yet another question. ‘Serena, can I ask, what did you do two years ago when the Corona Virus was here?’ Serena smiled, always having the time and the patience to respond.

‘Well we meditated at The Monastery, Manchester, situated in The City of Light. Here Elaine, Paul, Mel and Dave, formed a Circle of Light in the Private Chapel where we meditated, sending love out to the world with prayers for people who were living in fear. Here we gave thanks for all the positive and radical changes the virus engendered; for bringing Silence and Peace to the world, for Silencing the Cities and buildings, built with Sacred Geometry on Sacred Ley lines, waiting for activation in a future time when Humanity was awakening. 

We gave thanks that the Sacred Sites and Temples in the world who could now release their Immense Power in Sacred Silence for the future Pilgrimages, after the Virus had done its job.  We thanked the people for coming together in love, sharing their loving kindness.  We gave thanks to the virus for ceasing the treadmill and mania of life, giving families time together for walks in nature, play, fun, reading and quiet times. People were leading ordinary lives, in extraordinary circumstances, whatever their roles and status had been before.

We thanked Nations for coming together in empathy and compassion. We were becoming One Human Family. We gave thanks for stopping the pollution of planes and Industry so we could hear the birds sing, see the blue skies, and breathe in the fresh air. We celebrated the singing on the balconies, the worldwide clap in thanking the medics, carers and healers. We gave huge gratitude to the millions now in Sacred Isolation, silently meditating in prayer for Humanity, at home.

This contagion, the Sun Virus, set off another contagion - that of a Higher Love. This collective highly infectious Love became Intentioned with a Power that changed the world in weeks from a world of noise, stress and turmoil into a World of Peace.

We gave special thanks to Katty and Christian, presenters of 100 Days, who replaced the political theme with a ‘100 days of Loving Kindness’. It became the most popular programme on television. Acts of Loving Kindness spread like wild fire. From this came crowd funding to help those who needed financial help, whatever the reason, given freely, no conditions. Those with jobs, pensions or just well off gave freely. 

At home and abroad, people started to create imaginative and amazing changes to their community, popping letters through the doors of lonely people, leaving little gifts made by the children, creating lovely gardens that had been neglected. For the first time people were enjoying life. The ones at home did jobs, shopping, cooking and cleaning for and in thanks to the ones working in essential professions. Those without money gave their time freely.

The word ‘Crikey’ Katty and Christian often used in the 100 Days of Loving Kindness, which interestingly contained their names, became a catchphrase all over the world.  From that followed a World Wide Web called ‘LET LIGHT’ Spreading love and sharing positive experiences. Trolling was a thing of the past. Everyone was valued and an essential part of the giving and receiving.

So Paige here we are now, two years later, building the foundations of the New World, the Golden Era, with the Power of Love and Intention. Everyone was infected by Loving Kindness. It was morphic resonance.  IT WAS RADICAL HEALING.

The virus did in months what natural evolution would have taken a century to create - The World cleansed, free from mental and physical pollution, began to rise like a Phoenix from the Ashes of all those who have lived and died countless times. Finally the higher frequency world, running parallel to this one, built over eons of time, with every act of Loving Kindness was ready to inhabit.

The Critical Mass of Light achieved over the last sixty years had set the scene for this new world to emerge. Although a double edged sword, we thanked the new technologies created in the last sixty years, for connecting Humanity worldwide, so that in 2022, all humanity shall join in a worldwide Silence which will change the world forever in the twinkling of an eye. ‘Oh my Goodness’ declared Paige Is the Silence going to happen soon, whilst we are in the house?’

‘Just watch this Sacred Space’ replied Serena, getting up to give her a hug.

Paige thought about the last two years and couldn’t believe the things so many people were thinking and doing to help humanity during the Corona scare. She had no idea.

The last two years had been difficult in a different way for Paige, however, as she struggled to cope with her life and the consequences of her fame, loved one minute and hated the next by her fickle fans. In fact her suffering had continued right up until coming into the house just days before. Paige, now enveloped in love, couldn’t believe the difference.

All the mental pain she had experienced before she had set off with Serena to Silbury Hill less than a week ago seemed so distant and irrelevant now.  As Paige thought these things she suddenly saw a vision appear in her mind’s eye of a woman asleep on the ground. Then the woman started to awaken and arise, moving slowly and elegantly in perfect unison with the haunting sounds of a flute. The woman was dressed in beautiful sheer flowing veils, each one a colour of the rainbow spectrum. The musical notes were at one with her every move, changing only in resonance and tone, as she removed each of the seven veils, revealing a shimmering woman surrounded and enveloped in Radiant Light. She had surrendered all to love. Paige watched entranced as the woman united the twin strands of her DNA into a higher vibration of Golden Tones and Hues, lifting Paige into Waves of Bliss. As the vision faded Paige gasped, recognising and realising that this beautiful woman was herself, beyond suffering.

The Meditation room was calling and everyone entered feeling happy to be with the group they had quickly formed a great kinship with, although they were all still experiencing their separate personal processes from which they would ‘Come into their Own’. Some had already surrendered to love. Some were now ready to surrender their fears to Love and some were still living in pain and anxiety, afraid to face their Demons.

Paige entered the quiet room in her new state of bliss. Damian, a picture of serenity, entered breathing deeply in the fragrance of love, generated by John’s presence in the house. He was beginning to be at one with his inner flame, going beyond the need to divine for messages, or to look to the Three Magi’s for answers. Knowledge was a mere reflection compared to the indescribable Zen Awareness he was experiencing now. His totality was Peace, his purple hair, done to make him stand out, had certainly done the trick, but not in the way he had intended.  His purple hair now resonated perfectly with his state of Being, Beyond Violet.

When everyone was seated their eyes closed naturally as they felt the magnetic pull of their Sacred Space, empowered exponentially by every one of the meditations, allowing them to journey much deeper within, to places only Avatars had travelled before.  It was then that John entered the centre of the circle. Although John didn’t move from the circle, the ever expanding millions, now involved around the world knew immediately that something huge had happened out there in the Cosmos. This ‘Knowing’ was being birthed in every human who was awakening through mass meditation, their numbers fast outgrowing the Critical Mass essential for the Transformation. This was Huge.

The meditation room was fast becoming far more than just three dimensional. This Sacred Space was now a high energetic, living entity full of loving kindness, transmitting and travelling out along the radio wavelengths to enter the aura of every Soul on earth and at the same time healing the bloodlines with the light of grace and compassion.  It was seeping into the power lines of the sacred earth, connecting with the Planets, Pleiades, the Stars, Moon, the Sun and the Solar system continuing out beyond to infinite space, where it met and was united with the celestial body on its way to earth. In the twinkling of a Star, the Earths aura became more radiant. 

The remote viewers watched from the higher dimensions and were in Awe of Humanity who were finally ‘coming through’ the duality and the suffering of separation, loss and fear, to finally activate the Golden DNA, revealing the two strands, now resonating together in perfect harmony within a higher frequency of Light. As more and more people activated their Golden DNA, new colours and hues were entering their auras, as yet invisible to the perception of the human eye, but which could certainly be felt. The New Jerusalem, the Golden era, was emerging and heralding in new ways of Loving and living.

Fortunately the scientists, who were looking for anomalies in space, aided by their highly sensitive instruments, were able to go beyond their limited perceptions and were stunned by the beauty of the Earth’s Aura as it began to glow, twinkling into being with new colours never seen before, beyond the violet spectrum. The scientists were both hugely elated and thoroughly bewildered in equal measure.

When everyone was seated Serena asked them to go within to become present in the moment, aware only on their breath, informing them that focusing on the breath was a perfect way to stop the over thinking, anxious mind. The viewers did the same and a new Peace started to enter the collective mind.

When everyone was ready to resume the work it felt much easier than the day before. In this new state of mindlessness they were able to go beyond their fears.

Serena asked if anyone would like to share their revelations and reflections from the day before.

Paige opened the meeting confidently, feeling at ease with herself and with everyone, stating ‘Over the last few days I have realised a lot about myself and my behaviours. My divinations from Hello and The Blue Book went straight to the heart of the problems which caused me pain in my life. Hello is all about thinking celebrity, fame and money can make us happy and if you haven’t got any of those things you are a failure. The lure of fame and money is addictive and like any other addiction it will only have a temporary high until we are left empty again, having to fill ourselves with the adulation of others, time and time again. Until we let go of externals that we think will make us happy we are always in a state of need, always wanting to be loved, and when we are not we feel desperate and lost. This is when depression and self loathing sets in. Hate and humiliation is a horror story for both the victims and the perpetrators and we can easily be one or the other.

Since I came in here I have let go of needing approval. I have let go and it is because I am experiencing Love. Meditation has taken me to a place inside me that is in total peace where I cannot be affected by negativity. I hope to live in this Peace and love all the time and that is a huge change in my life. I won’t be needy but I will have the capacity to truly love and be loved’.

Glad that Paige had said these things much better than she ever could, Star was able to agree, ‘I used to think I would make my mum and Grandma happy if I bought them a posh house in the country but I know they would want to stay in our flat near our friends and neighbours. All they want is for me want me to be happy and I know deep down that Love is the only thing that can do that.

Dex was next to chirp in encouraged by Star regarding her thoughts on love.  He looked at her and said, ‘I also believe love and relationships are more important than possessions.’

Serena knew Dex had more to learn about the difference between love and lust, another addiction which had led him to satisfy his sexual needs without respect or thought for his many conquests but now was not the time or the place for him to receive this insight.

Rachel had spent most of the last four days thinking about the many ways people loved. It could be unconditional, well as unconditional as is possible, or it could come with conditions that were meant to protect loved ones from hurt. It was all so complicated. Loyalty to family, community, religion and cultural values all stemmed from the innate longing for Love, Oneness and belonging, but it also created even more divisions, fears and hatred. She was so confused about trying to understand Love, but she knew what it felt like. Perhaps Love was not something to be understood intellectually. Perhaps we could only really know what Love was by experiencing it. She certainly knew the pain of losing it. She had experienced so much love, and she had experienced the crippling loss of it too. She thought about the choices she had made founded upon Love, or decisions she had made from the lack of it and she felt sad. 

The only thing the she wanted to share with the group right now was something she was sure of. Rachel took a deep breath and said, ‘Resentment is a poison we take hoping it will affect the other person/people, but in truth it slowly poisons the one who resents’

After a long silence which spoke volumes to everyone listening, Ishmael stood up to present his truth, his politeness and formality apparent, ‘I would like to share my thoughts. I have no problem in believing in both Allah and in Evolutionary theories. Why cannot Allah be present and indeed leading us through evolution in time and space. Allah can be present in every Iman, Priest, Nun, Scientist, Creative, Mother, Father and child, as we search for our true selves’. He sat down thinking of the love he had for his parents and siblings. How he missed them.

Watching at home, Rachel’s and Ishmael’s families felt a great love and compassion for their offspring’s, re-kindling their love for them, which existed beyond their fears, prejudices and their thoughts of betrayal .




Serena, the voice and channel for John was also the mother and midwife for the group. She looked across with great love and gratitude at Damian who was connecting Heaven and Earth. He had come through very quickly, aided by his ability to go within, learnt in  many lifetime’s as a Monk.  An instrument of radiant light he was now pioneering great change in this circle and for humanity at large.

Damian was deep in meditation, his aura filling the room with unperceived hues of colours, newly birthed on earth, whilst his body gently released fragrances to accompany each new colour. The group didn’t see his aura at this stage but they did receive the healing, as his fragrant aura filled the Sacred Space between them.

In that instant they all knew intuitively that he was a conduit between them and the higher energies. He was of the Earth, rooted here, but now connecting in equilibrium with Heaven. It was as if the higher beings required an awakened human, radiant in the Golden DNA, to help those still in pain to ‘Come Through’ to the higher energies of the new world.  He would be a powerful instrument, a go between, holding the space, for the three remaining housemates who had more complex issues to acknowledge and heal before they could continue to rise upon the continuum of light.

Like the others, Goz, Andy and Jock were experiencing the effects of coming through to their higher selves but before they could truly surrender to the higher love they would have to release their secrets, wounds, fears and deeply ingrained, suppressed suffering.

The atmosphere of heightened love and empathy in the room, helped by having Damian, a human conduit in the room, gave them the confidence to open up and release their anxieties and deep wounds, despite their fears.  Goz, a woman of great courage went first.

Everyone looked at her with encouragement, knowing it was a huge step for her to open up.  Goz, now calling herself Gloria, a lovely name she hadn’t used for years, took a deep breath and silently asked her grandmother in Spirit to help her.

‘After my birth my mother became mentally ill which eventually led her to become psychotic. In between her illnesses she had lucid times and they were lovely, special times when we would be happy, play and have days out but these times became less and less. I was always watchful, petrified and waiting for the next episode of terror. My grandma was a great help to us when I was young and I loved her so much but when granddad got ill she had less time. Then when I was 13 my mum committed suicide.

My dad did his best but he was working long hours and couldn’t show his feelings or cope with a teenage daughter. My grandma always kept in touch but most of the time I was alone, finding friendships hard’.

Gloria stopped for a minute to compose herself before she let out her secret.

‘It was soon after my mum’s death that I started to have dreams about little grey creatures who visited me in my bedroom at night. At first I was really scared but their gentleness made me trust them, eventually. They made me feel loved and like family. We would play together without speaking but I knew what they were thinking and it was a great comfort to me. After a while I would travel with them, floating through the window and then finding myself in a bright room where I would see other children there who looked like us but they were more  floaty with larger heads and pale in colour, with almost see through skin. They didn’t speak but we laughed and played together throwing floaty balls that they could reach far higher than the rest of us who were visiting from earth. All of the children became my best friends. The only person I told was my grandma just before her death. She had been the only constant in my life and from whom I received any real affection.  

The loss of my grandma compounded my loneliness into an increasing spiral of depression and eventually alcoholism. The abductions ceased after nine months but they remained with me as special memories of light in the midst of my darkest and bereft adolescent years. Then came years of drinking myself into oblivion but in my sobriety, which I am total now, I always knew my little  alien brothers and sisters were watching over me. For a long time I was afraid I would be sectioned if anyone found out, especially as my mum had been mentally ill.

Then, after the Twelve Step’s programme with the AA, I became more aware of even more loving entities around me again. Just a year ago, looking on the web for abduction information, I came across the late Dr. John Mack and sent for his book which explained so many things. I was one of thousands of people with the same experience and John Mack didn’t diagnose them with mental problems, but rather people who were part of a change in perception and reality which was awakening in human kind, but not yet understood by the present consensus of reality. Now I am in here it feels like a continuation of the experiences I had, and which I am now joining together again with higher and more spiritual entities. It is a great relief to feel safe enough to share all my secrets, my high and lows, my shame and my healing with you today’

Gloria sat down feeling the great unburdening of her guilt, pain and shame, now taking place in silent surrender. Her daughter Stacey was glued to the television with her foster mum and they both felt a huge rush of empathy and unconditional love for Gloria. They couldn’t wait to be reunited.

It was no coincidence that Serena had met John Mack years before in 1996 at the Star Nation Conference organized by the first Nation in North Dakota. Serena loved meeting and hearing the stories of the Indigenous people and their loving contact with the Star people. Dr. John Mack was there to learn more about these ancient contacts throughout human history, especially with the indigenous people of the world. The first Nation had much wisdom to share and it was wonderful to embrace their culture of honouring Mother Earth, the Ancestors and all creatures, as well as connecting with the higher realms in ceremony and prayer which was now being renewed after years of suppression.  

Serena met John and talked about his work and his views on the transformation to a higher consciousness taking place right now, seemingly with help of a higher guidance. Whether this higher guidance came from within us or externally, or if indeed they were one and the same, was yet to be understood. It was refreshing for Serena to hear the same things she believed, being confirmed by the indigenous and new age people at the conference, regarding a leap in spiritual consciousness. 

John Mack, this warm, gentle man,  an academic, a Nobel prize winner and eminent Harvard psychiatrist was a trailblazer for other academics to overcome their prejudice and dogmatic beliefs. John Mack had led Serena to read Joseph Campbell and his writing in relation to humanity and the power of myth, the same archetypal stories present in all cultures. These two charismatic giants of Intellect and enquiring minds who had a zest for life, had had an inspiring effect upon Serena and it was a shock and deeply saddening to read that John Mack had been killed by a hit and run in London in 2005.

Then in 2007 when Serena was in meditation she was visited by John Mack, now in Spirit, and with whom she had had an abiding love, although she had met him only once. But she knew he was still a key player in The Work of Light, now working from the higher realms. A pioneer in life, he had fought and won a legal battle with some of his peers at Harvard to have the intellectual freedom and his rights to research this new and unknown territory regarding consciousness and so called alien contact and abduction.  But now in Spirit he was freed to take his work much further. 

He communed with Serena, informing her of the work he was now doing in discovering the field of consciousness and its many causal pathways through the spectrum of colour. He was at that time working on the expressions and higher frequencies of the colour purple. He promised Serena, that one day, when she could still her chattering mind totally and remain focused, without being distracted by her constant thinking, he would take her to the Purple Reservoir where she would experience the bigger picture of human consciousness. He couldn’t take her before she had mastered her material mind because she could be lost forever in that sea of consciousness where every thought was manifest and may be magnified a thousand fold, if given collective energy, which included love and fear. Serena now sent love and gratitude to John for his care of her and the billions about to awaken to their awesome power of  technicoloured manifestations.

The silence fell, healing not only the deep wounds of Gloria, but also those in the world who had suffered the same.

Andy knew the silence was coming to an end and it was his turn next. Going through his mind was how he would introduce his secret that his Bishop would be informed about within minutes of him opening up. He thought back to his recent travels that turned his life upside down, though no one would have guessed. Andy’s Christian Mission was everything to him, his faith unshakeable but that was before he left the safe confines of his Seminary.

Even his name should had given Andy a clue to the life changing experiences he was about to enter when he decided to take a three months sabbatical from his tutelage and go to the Andes.

Indeed he had written an article in the Parish magazine before he left.  Andy in the Andes on a Mission for Jesus                 

‘I am leaving home with a back pack of dreams and aspirations and looking forward, not only to helping build homes for the local people, but also in building metaphorical bridges to our Lord.  I shall be working in Loja, Ecuador at a community service helping children and their families who have AIDs and HIV. Please pray for me in my Ministry in bringing forth The Holy Spirit to these people’.

Andy thought back now to those innocent times and wished he could turn the clock back. If only I hadn’t gone down that road, he thought.  Going to the Andes was the most remarkable experience, however, the Country and the people were beautiful and he had been captivated by their innate Joy and faith in an infinite power that watched over them. Their ceremonies were filled with fun, chant and laughter and were a mixture of Pagan, Shamanic and Christian teachings.

He had grown to love this place and its people, and after being there for almost three months he had become part of their lives. Nearing the end of his missionary work during one of the ceremonies in which he danced, laughed and dressed in colourful adornments of coloured feathers and masks, he temporarily lost his identification with everything he was. He was carried along with the ecstasy and the spontaneity of just being happy and carefree, enjoying just being with people, with no role, rules or responsibility. He didn’t remember how it happened but the next day, waking up to a group of indigenous friends and a Shaman, he realised he had experienced something profound and other worldly from which there would be no return. 

He had gladly taken the sacred plant medicine, Ayahuasca, administered to him by the elder Shaman who had looked after him in a sacred manner, helping him to understand the process of purging and cleansing before he travelled to another reality, the place of great blessings. Now months later in this reality show he stood up with trepidation, knowing he had to come clean. He said a silent prayer to his Lord Jesus – Our Father who Art in Heaven Hallowed be Thy name Thy Kingdom come Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. Amen. He stood and began,

‘As you know the book I was reading and divined was Supernatural Meetings with the Ancient Teachers of Mankind by Graham Hancock’. Andy didn’t beat about the bush and went straight to the point of his confession. ‘Whilst serving as a missionary in Peru I experienced a vision quest using the drug, Ayahuasca, a sacred plant medicine, supervised by an experienced Shaman. At the beginning of the experience I encountered creatures, snakes and alien type beings which filled me with fear. I spent hours purging and releasing toxins from my body and mind. Eventually, exhausted and in total disarray, I  entered a deep void, a place of no thought or judgement where I encountered myself as a primeval force, so powerful I able to create or destroy in equal measure. This experience opened me to something vast that I am, beyond the little me, the Andy who was so sure of himself and his mission. And now I cannot close that door. The flashbacks were terrifying.

For weeks I journeyed deeper to a place of nothingness, alone in the dark, without belonging to anything or the certainties and comfort of my community and beliefs.  I had lost identity. I didn’t know who I was anymore and I couldn’t tell anyone. On the flight home, as if being in the sky suspended me and held me, I tripped back into the void, but this time I felt no fear. I was pure, silent Awareness. It was then SHE appeared, The Mother, dressed in all her many of visioned regalia, as if giving us the choice, her arms spread out joyously ready to receive me. I returned home in Peace.

Three days later I saw and applied for this show, which I believed would ground me back into my simple Christian mission of bringing Jesus to others again. Well that hasn’t changed but my naive beliefs of restricting Jesus to being exclusive to Christians and Christianity has.

Over the months leading up to the show, the Divine Mother led me deeper into esoteric knowledge and mystical experience. I kept it hidden so I would remain the Andy everyone knew but I became two people living in altered states of reality where one denied the other.

But all through this The Divine Mother was with me, holding me, pregnant with my imminent birth. Since coming in the house four days ago, I have experienced an exquisite and all embracing love with a Universal Jesus, a Christ that knows no bounds, no longer exclusive to just accepting Christians into Heaven. It has taken my evangelising need to convert others because now I know they are not in danger of being kept in limbo until they repent. The Jesus I now know is All encompassing, All loving and All inclusive, whether people believed in him or not.  I shall not deny HIM.

I wish to share my vision which came last night in the midst of my anxiety about what my Bishop and Christian family will think about my ayahuasca experience. I know they shall be shocked and disappointed in me.

I came face to face with Jesus Christ and he embraced me in a love I shall never recover from.  All night I have been dreaming of Him becoming manifest and un-manifest in a swirling mass of shimmering light, as my beautiful Christian God morphed into different historical religious founders and Mystics. Without changing his essence, Jesus revealed himself as both men and women including Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, John the Baptist, Moses, Confucius  Buddha, Mohammed, Egyptian and Greek Gods and Goddesses, Indigenous Shamans, Saints, Healers, Philosophers and Creative’s of Art, Music, Dance and Literature. There were so many enlighteners coming and going from the One Light, traversing the ladder up and down the Light frequencies, here to end the suffering of separation. I saw that this Work had taken millions of years in this realm of time and Space to get to this point in time where Humanity would make the conscious decision to return, but in truth it could also just end in the twinkling of an eye, with One Breath of God ending the illusion.

In the beginning, this One Body of light had exploded into the many becoming The First Nation of Light, The Holy family, as they came to this realm after the fall.

I then saw a vision of William Blake’s Jacob’s ladder, standing side by side, with the Apprentice’s Pillar in Rosslyn Chapel. The designs on  the Pillar and on the stairway were both woven in golden thread, revealing the connectedness of the physical DNA and the Spiritual

DNA, from which the Beings of Divine Light were coming and going upon the ladder, over eons of time. Their mission - to help humanity return upon the continuum of light - which highly evolved beings, the aforementioned Holy Family had built for humanity after The Fall.

William Blake saw the Divine Imagination as the alchemical gift from which we transcend the ordinary everyday reality into seeing that everything is Holy.

There is so much we have yet to discover through our Divine Imagination and it is all within each one of us.

Andy sat down, now empty of the awful anxiety that had filled his entire body only yesterday. He had felt the overwhelming love of his beloved Jesus and Mother and he knew everything was as it should be. He sent his love to all those watching and entered the ‘Peace that passeth all understanding’.

Following the silence, everyone returned feeling at ease, content and unafraid of judgement. In this quiet awareness where just ‘Being’ was sufficient unto itself, words were not necessary, although it didn’t stop Jock having to add his two pen’th worth.  With a sparkle in his eye he looked across at Andy and gleefully delivering what people at home were thinking,

‘Well Andy, that’s the best sermon I’ve heard from a Vicar yet. I think you’re in deep shit! ’

Everyone laughed. Jock had brought the session nicely to a close.

Serena knew that Jock would need a few more days soaking up this rarefied atmosphere before he was ready to surrender his own suffering and come face to face with the horrors he had spent his life trying to forget.

The remaining first week was to be spent in light hearted ways, which Serena called The Rainbow Fundays. As always they would start every morning in an hour’s silent communion, joining the viewers, John, and the watchers from the higher realms. If only humanity could see what the Light beings were seeing on earth right now after eons of watching and waiting.  As each person started to emerge from their long sleep, a spark of Light would burst forth from their Crown Chakras, radiating out into the world and filling the ether, not only with a new sparkling light, but also with a power that would transmute fear into Love and Love into action. 

Loving kindness and oneness that knew no boundaries or prejudice was becoming consensus reality as the earth and its inhabitants, past and present, were lighting up in unison. In perfect union and in synchronicity, billions of stars way out in the Galaxy would also sparkle even brighter, each star connected to an ‘In divine duality’ human being.   The Light Beings looked on to the enlightening of the Planet and its people and they were glad.

Damian and Paige had been the first to emerge from their cocoon, coming through their lower frequency selves, to add their higher essence to join with John, the Higher Beings of Light and the participants on earth. The others in the group were also starting to experience the Bliss as each day passed.  Serena thought back to the time she heard Damian had been involved with covens. She remembered John’s response when he assured her telepathically that Light shall always overcome the darkness of Ignorance, adding that if a person believes in a higher power, that they were on their way already.

The Rainbow days fast became Fundays for the group and those watching.  Laughter was one of the highest healing energies, so joyful to experience, especially in large groups, apparent in gatherings with great comics, the joy bringers who could turn laughter into tears, another high energy phenomenon. The group loved the new experiences. ‘Make em Laugh’ was a favourite. They would split into two groups and do daft things to make the opposing team laugh, something they were on strict orders not to do. 

They also loved ‘Bop till you drop’, taking it in turns to choose a favourite piece of music to share with the others. The music ranged from Johnny Rotten to the Hallelujah Chorus, Dancing Queen to The Mission theme and Mr. Bo-Jangles to Bohemian Rhapsody, Raps, rock, and Sinatra, not all suitable to bop till you drop to, but certainly bringing smiles, Joy, laughter and sometimes moved tears. On quieter sessions they would all sit around a person in the centre to imagine and then draw their aura. It was remarkable how they all perceived the same colours and shapes, although they didn’t actually see the aura. 

They played Charades, acting out emotions, light and dark they had experienced. They would make sand pictures and enjoy making perfumes and creating poems and songs. They learnt about Jung and would create personal Mandela’s whilst in a meditative state, which Jock enjoyed, but not as much as his new found pleasure of making people laugh. ‘If I’d wanted to f.....g colour in I could have gone to my local nursery!’ It did the trick. The reality show was getting more popular and accordingly more energetically magnetic. The show was recorded on thousands of I Players to watch every night.

The media not knowing what to make of this very odd show and its growing audience but not able to ignore it, skimmed through some highlights and quickly made their judgements based upon their prejudice rather than on real experience.

One of the tabloids had the headline, ‘Lady of Light or Sh**e?’

The Guardian suggested the Big Sister Show was a good publicity stunt, but nevertheless, it was refreshing to have some decency in a reality show.

A couple of magazines were writing about the power of love, but mainly focusing on the Love Island type power of attraction.  On social media, twitters were twittering on about the possibility of camera tricks, or the possibility that the contestants were all actors.  There were the usual trolls who would project their resentment onto others, but they were becoming less. Generally though, at this stage, however, People seemed to be very positive and enthusiastic about the show or just not interested.

The ‘This Morning’ programme was discussing things quite seriously, with Holly being open to the spiritual, angels, reincarnation, divination and the benefits of meditation, whilst Philip was more sceptical, although less than he had been before. They had new age leaders on the show and religious leaders who found the show appalling and accused the producers of brainwashing and being anti religious.

There were changes going on in small but significant ways. People were starting their own Rainbow Groups in their own homes, which included fun, meditation, divination and discussions. Church leaders were being asked searching questions and if they too would start meditation, circle dances and chanting.

Monday morning’s production meeting was chaired by Richard as usual.  It was if he was living in a trance, not noticing what was going on in the house and outside. Mark informed Richard that Dr. Merryweather was away and couldn’t be contacted. He didn’t have the heart to tell Richard that she was enjoying the show and didn’t feel for doing a psychological rubbishing of John or Serena. Richard was almost manic telling the team, ‘No worry, things will be great when those two get kicked out the week after next by the public votes’ He now regretted the contract agreeing to stall the vote till the second week, but he left the meeting feeling buoyed up that the show would be saved from being axed, sure that his two nemesis would be gone soon.

Hannah looked at Mark and Rebecca in astonishment. He’s losing it, living entirely in the past! Where is his head?’ This young team was being inspired and opened up with everything going on in the house. They had even started a meditation and chanting group at home, in addition to being mesmerized and deeply affected by the early meditation transmission every morning. Mark couldn’t believe he had gladly given up his weekly pub crawl on Saturday night, but at least he did get to see Hannah and have a pint with her at the end of the night, something he had hoped for for a long time.

Back in the house, having a few hours break to rest and do their own thing, during the Rainbow days, Gloria entered the Sun Room and out of curiosity picked up the Blue Book. The page opened to ‘My Other Education’, written by a young Serena and was a delight to read.  By now the synchronicities were becoming second nature and it was no surprise that the piece described The Crystal Dome in its relationship and correspondence with  colour and consciousness. She wondered if John Mack, with whom she was feeling a greater bond, had led her to read it. The piece ended with inspiration from the higher beings which she would return to later, but for now she had some pressing questions for Serena. Gloria found her talking to Ishmael and Rachel and they welcomed her to join them. Soon Gloria was able to ask Serena what she had come to find out.

‘Has your life always been like this Serena, you know all the stuff we’ve  learnt and done this week? Has nothing bad ever happened to you?’

‘Yes, it has Gloria, many times. In my young adult days I had ups and downs like anyone else. Even though I was blessed to have the knowledge and experience of the Spiritual life, spent with amazing guides who prophesied this wonderful future, and parents who nurtured me through these extraordinary experiences, I soon learnt not to share them with other people. 

I had a secret life that filled me with delight and awe but I soon realised I was not normal. I was an ordinary girl experiencing extraordinary things, but I also wanted a normal life like other people. I wanted romance, to fall in love with someone special and have babies and indeed I did fall in love and married young at 18, ignoring the concerns of my parents. I was stubborn and hot headed. Then in my late 20’s I had a very difficult time when my husband and I split up, probably because I spent a lot of time living in another reality. I loved my children and I felt the huge loss of my dream to live happily ever after with my children and their father. For a time I felt very low and I lost my connection with Spirit and the Higher Beings. 

One night I was alone as my children were staying with their dad for the weekend. I missed them so much. Feeling lonely and a failure, I had the greatest longing to return home, although I would never have attempted suicide and hurt my children. I went to bed and cried in despair until I felt emptied and desolate. Then suddenly I felt my body start to sink through the bed, through the floor and down into the darkness. My whole consciousness was aware only of the deep pit I was entering. I had never experienced the lower realms before and I became aware of people living in darkness and hopelessness. I didn’t see them but I felt their pain and their desperate pull on me as they too sensed my desolation. Wanting my companionship, if only to give credence to their identification with suffering, I was being sucked further and further down.

I was in this self absorbed place for a quite a while, unable to resist my own and their self pity. I was almost dead and lost when I started to slowly pull away, as though an even more powerful compelling energy was beckoning me. Moving up very slowly on a slight incline I started to feel lighter and less and less nauseous. I then became aware of my body floating vertically in the dark for a long time but this was a different darkness. It was not bleak anymore. It was a comforting dark, void of any feeling, as though I had to experience nothingness, neither bad nor good. I have no idea how long this persisted but I then became aware of a tiny pin prick of light in the far distance which was drawing me like a magnet. Drawing nearer to the increasing circle of light my perception became that of travelling along a tunnel. The nothingness feeling then started to dissipate as I grew closer to the circle of light, my awareness filled with a peace of mind  that was entirely new to me, and even more exquisite than my travels as a child, which were always full of joy and child like enthusiasm. This peace came with a sense of maturity and a higher understanding. I continued along feeling more Love than anything I could ever have imagined’.

‘Was it like the feelings we have when John comes near us?’ interrupted Gloria.

‘Yes, exactly’ agreed Serena, ‘but it was so new then and it was my first real connection to my higher purpose. I think I was finally mature enough to know what I was born to do, and my marriage break up had aided me in my growing up which started my process ‘coming into my own’ Even though it was all those years ago I remember it as clearly now as the night it happened. It was far more real than this so called real life’

Serena continued;

I was held, healed and bathed in the Rays of Light that were pulling me into this ever increasing circle of light, creating a sense of excitement and an amazing feeling of well being. But most of all I knew I was going home.

Coming fully into the Light was remarkable and unforgettable. I had shed all the anxiety, worry and hurts of my material life.

The light enveloped me. In fact envelop is not right either. It did more than enveloped me, it was ME.


For the first time ever in my conscious memory I did NOT need anyone else to make me feel Love, or Loved or give me any identity or meaning to being alive! Can you imagine? I cannot even begin to tell you because it was beyond words and experience.

Paradoxically this self-sufficient love that did not ‘need’ anyone else to love, or give me a reason to live, or make me feel worthy, didn’t make me feel selfish, indeed it was quite the contrary. I was SELFLESS in this place; AtOne and connected, without needs. I was not separate from love and always trying to possess it, I was IT! I was the thing in itself! I was complete. I was whole.  I Was LOVE.

I did not want to return from this place, I wanted to stay forever. I was in total peace. It was then that a giant of a man appeared in front of me, so beautiful. He wore shining white robes that were shimmering, alive and part of him. In fact thinking about it now, they were not really robes at all. I knew him, I recognised him, although I hadn’t met him before. I felt totally At One with this shining giant of a man, with whom I shared an indescribable Love and Awareness.

He looked into my eyes and I felt his overwhelming Compassion for me. Without a word, he lifted his palm towards me and pointed back  for me to Return. It had taken me an age to get there and in an instant I was back on my bed. I felt ill, in a cold sweat, almost dead. I cried tears of longing, wanting re-connection to this Profound and Beautiful Being. I cried myself to sleep but in the morning I felt different, more calm.  I now knew where I came from and where I would return, but in the meantime there was much Light Work to do!

The whole of humanity have come here to do the same, no matter what darkness has covered their Light within. From that moment, like Jung had said, I didn’t believe in the existence of God anymore, I KNEW!

‘And do you know Gloria, even though I have the wonderful privilege of being touched by the Light and experienced a love so Divine, I have still suffered all the pain brought on by the ego’s discord, until I could rise above it, which has been a lifetime’s lesson for me. I have always been sensitive, I suppose that comes with the territory but I went through a period of becoming over sensitive and it was hell. I went through self blame, taking responsibility for everything that went wrong. Of course it is important to take responsibility for healing wrongs but it becomes destructive when we start to feel everything was our fault, then beating our self up. 

Serena brought her Blue Book and read out a passage to Gloria which spoke volumes about the torment a person can suffer despite having all the knowledge.

‘As usual I am awake after just three hours sleep, unable to get off again. This has been going on for about a year. Here we go again! Almost a ritual now, I wake and worry if I have hurt someone, because they appeared hurt or angry and I feel it must be my fault.  

I go to the hurts, anxieties and there it is, the guilt tumbles out to start yet another day with their relentless nagging, demanding my full attention. My constant over thinking over the past year has built up these companions to such a degree that they cannot wait to greet me early every morning. Not satisfied with being only in my unconscious nightmares, they demand I awake to give them my full attention, lest I forget them. Filling my lungs with air, breathing deeply in and out, I slowly and deeply replenish my body with much needed oxygen that had been sadly lacking during my fitful and deprived sleep time. I then pray to my other companions, the ones who were always there in Spirit, loving me unconditionally and bringing me peace if I surrendered to them and the Light within. Communing with these higher Light  energies brought indescribable relief from my addictive meddling saboteurs ’ 

Here there was only Love and an altered state I so desire to be in forever. It is a place of total connection to everything and everyone in total love, trust and light filled Peace. So why do I so easily fall back into the other side of my being which is defensive and guilt ridden?  Why, when I am so loved do I feel unlovable? It is my monster within, my secret self that dwells in the shadows, always waiting to dictate my behaviour. I live in fear that people will see the horror of who I really am’

So you see Gloria we all have our demons. It took me many years not to loathe myself for being less than perfect. I realised that the ego, which makes you feel either loathsome or superior, are both mistaken identities. The ego is a Divine Vehicle which allows us to be individual with all its highs and lows of life. It is also the ego which makes itself redundant by leading us to our Higher Selves, where we know which we finally want to choose, Peace or turmoil.  More than anything meditation and a quiet mind helped me to ‘Come Through’  

‘Define only in Light & Be defined only in Light became my motto’

Gloria returned with the Blue Book to the Sun room and re - read the Inspiration again.


‘You are a gifted and a sensitive who has returned many times to  Complete The Work, set in motion long ago, as are the people with whom you have an affinity with at this time of great transformation.

There are a multitude of you who are now awakening. All of you are here to fulfil a shared goal, that of co- creating Light in the world. So shall you re- member and re-cognise, emerging in unison, to take another worldwide leap in consciousness. As you do, you ascend the ladder of Light frequencies just waiting to be activated. You don't really create The Light, it is already there just waiting to be switched on by your observation and recognition  of it. You are The Light of the World as is everything in existence. 

The Work, carried out by the Pioneers for eons of time, is coming to fruition. As each one of you connect on a Soul level you do literally 'Light Up' the world. The Sacred and Ancient places that have been founded upon light intention, prayers and Love, have lain dormant until you were ready to integrate.

For centuries Humanity, Sacred landmarks have been prepared, often by you, for the time when humanity is  awakened to their true light, beyond transient personalities and fears.

Revealing your true selves through your joint service shall create miracles. Miracles are a manifestation of you 'Coming into your Own'  Your higher selves are presently sleeping giants upon the Continuum of Light just waiting for your wake up call. You exist on many dimensional levels of Light and shall inhabit each one until you  return to the One.

Come together in Soul Groups and be in Silence with intention to 'Be The Light', be with people who are on the same wavelength and keep the mind peaceful. Do not go over hurts and grievances in your mind.

Become aware and observe your thoughts - they are the most powerful things in the universe. Look at the things, organisations, people, ideas and duties you are involved with. If they don't bring Joy  or a feeling of fulfilment then remove yourself. This is old and stuck  energy. You can change and let go without hurt. No longer help the world that is and still lives in fear of change. That is the old order. Do not fight the world that is full of fear because you then magnify it. Rather create a new world of love and revelation where ever you can magnify the Light exponentially.

Perhaps by now you have sown your seeds and need to move on from situations to allow others to 'Come into their own to'.  Come together with like minds and sensitive's to sit in communion with Spirit and Angelic beings. There are places waiting for your presence. The time is very near.

There are Sacred Places worldwide, waiting to Reveal You. Stop the tread mill, the stress, the fear and just come to us.  JOIN US IN SILENCE and we shall be there.